Computer Footrests 3M Adjustable Foot Rest Review

Computer Footrests 3M Adjustable Foot Rest Review

particular foot rest because of the brand name, large platform, and the ability to make adjustments. When it arrived, I was very pleased with the product. The platform is plastic with a nice rubber over that has large dimples, and a deep grid on the bottom side for strength (or so I thought). The base is made out of metal and has two height levels. I have set the front for the lowest height and the back to high. This gives me a slightly more vertical angle on the platform, which I like. And, the base have some grip strips on the both to reduce slipping on the carpet. Also, the platform tilts freely (with slightly adjustable friction), giving a nice ability to flex your ankles periodically during the day.

Now, the "issue". All was good on the first day. On the second day, I was preparing to leave my desk and used my feet to push away so I could get up. My feet, of course, where on the foot rest. I heard a loud crack. Upon investigation, I found that the grid on the bottom of the platform had cracked in several places along a single rib. I was disappointed. I've not fixed it, or asked for a refund, I am still using the footrest, I just make sure my feet are at the outside edge of the footrest when I push out. This may be a general design flaw, related to my size 14 feet, the bad wheels on my chair, or the fact that I'm overweight. It may even be a little of each.

I still think it's a great foot rest and recommend it.

UPDATE:I have thrown this foot stand away. It has finally broken to the point I can't use it at all. But, I did get the better part of three years out of it. I think my feet were just to heavy for it.
Computer Footrests 3M Adjustable Foot Rest Review
